I've always wanted to make a video of my yoyo collection, so I finally did! While this isn't a complete example
of my collection, it's definitely the set of yoyos I've been most frequently using over the past few years.
I go into more detail in the video, but I also wanted to write a quick blurb about a few special yoyos:
SF Cadence Proto - This yoyo is a super weird one, but is also super rare. The yoyos from
this prototype run all ended up
being different weights, and Keiran ended up liking the heavier ones better. I ended up with this one that
weighs about 63g. As far as I know, this is the only Cadence ever made with this light of a weight. It also
flew out of my hand during a 5a freestyle at PNWR 2018, and fortunately didn't hit anyone. Somehow, I still
the division! (sorry Jared)
UNPRLD Flashback Prototype - A gift from my good friend Colin Beckford, I used this yoyo to
take second place at PNWR 2018, one of my best finishes ever! Everyone was playing with this yoyo saying that
they loved it, and I actually asked Colin if he would be cool with me using it in competition. It performed
great, and is still probably my favorite Flashback! After doing so well at the contest, Colin let me keep the
yoyo as a gift. A little over a year later I joined UNPRLD!
Yoyofactory Yoga Flame Superstar - A pretty sweet gift from Yoyofactory Ben that he found in
the YYF vault. This is my favorite colorway of all time on my favorite Yoyofactory of all time. The OG
Superstar really holds up even 12 years after release, it's still super powerful and capable. This was also
one of the main inspirations for my own signature yoyo!
UNPRLD Elevation Proto 1 - What more do I need to say? It's the first prototype of my
signature yoyo, and as of 2022 the only one to have seen the stage in an official capacity. The first proto is
pretty different when compared to the final version in that it's a lot slower but feels a lot more powerful.
It's a really unique and cool yoyo that I still like using from time to time. Chris Rodrigues has the other
prototype, I have one of his proto somewhere in my own yoyo vault (a story for another time).
Some notable yoyos in my collection that are NOT in this video...
- CLYW FG Maple Drip Peak - My first metal yoyo, it's absolutely beat to hell and has been
retapped one
time. Sometimes I wish that I could have predicted that this thing would become one of the most legendary
yoyos of all time, but as a 13 year old kid, why would I know any better?
I've got the same color that Charles used in Golden Age, so that's really sick too.
- YYJ Dark Magic - My first nicer yoyo, and the one I learned most tricks on. I had all
my friends in middle school sign it as well, so now that yoyo has a ton of memories attached to it. Super sick
yoyo, glad I still have it somewhere.
- CLYW FG Copper Pot Chief - My main competition yoyo for a few years. I actually picked
this one up at PNWR 2012 and used it at that contest to get 9th place! I was really excited to place top 10 in
my first out of state regional. I also used this yoyo at Cal States 2013 and in quite a few videos. It's super
light (I think 65g) which I think is pretty awesome.
This video was really fun for me to make, and brought back some really great memories. It's crazy how one can
have so many memories tied to such simple objects, but I think that's one of the reasons I'm still here yoyoing
almost 13 years later.